I think I'd have called the Police on my cell phone and whispered my location to them once the would be criminals were out of sight.
Pete Zahut
JoinedPosts by Pete Zahut
Scary Experience
by ZindagiNaMilegiDobaara insomething weird and scary happened to us last nihgt.
we had a few friends over for the weekend.
we love to go hiking and long walks wherever and whenever we can.
Crazy WT stories
by scruffmcbuff indennis was offered £5 by cool kids smoking pot and fornicating.
he turned it down and went to read the wt as he turned the page.
what did he see?a £5 note.
Pete Zahut
What about the assembly experience I heard where there was a burglar in a "sisters" house and when she came home, he hid under her bed. The "sister"went to bed and read from her bible and prayed out loud before going to sleep. Once she was asleep the burglar came out from under the bed and stole her bible and some publications. A few years later the burglar came up to the "sister" at an assembly and told her what he'd done, returned her bible said that now he was a baptized JW himself.
Of course there was thunderous applause and many tears shed by the assembly audience but it was moments like this this that I used to think that there was something wrong and or wicked about me because I was always skeptical and had lots of questions that needed to be answered before I'd begin to believe such a far fetched story.
Shocking Example of JW Elder Corruption
by Roger Kirkpatrick inlet's play a game of believe it or not, shall we?
i'll relate a story, and you decide whether you believe it or not.
what would you think of an elder who told his daughter's fiance that he would kill him if he ever did anything to hurt his daughter?
Pete Zahut
At our Hall, it was well known that this certain elders young daughter had slept with every boy she ever liked since she was in her early teens and was only privately reproved each time. Finally at around 19 she turned up pregnant and she and the latest young guy were to be disfellowshipped. The girls mother was a frustrated party planner and so it was no problem for she and her husband throw a full on elaborate wedding that weekend so that their daughter could get married in the Hall before she and the new husbands disfellowshipment was announced at the following Thursday meeting. They even had her Elder Uncle perform the ceremony.
This was a blatant mockery of the principal behind disfellowshipping and was Pharisee-like in the way they found a loophole or technicality to get the Kingdom Hall wedding they wanted for their daughter and have all of their friends and family in attendance.
Do You Ever Wonder Where Certain Posters Are?
by minimus indo people simply leave because the site has given them what they wanted?
are they now infrequent lurkers?.
did they go back to the watchtower?.
Pete Zahut
I'd probably never get a word in edgewise if a lot of the previous forum members hadn't moved on. LOL !
Coming out of the Woodwork
by Solzhenitsyn inwho was i to think that we would be left alone?
it has been a dream for 2+ months.
a few calls i let go to voicemail but now the wife and i are getting bombarded with text messages.. this isn't going to be easy.. since we're not looking to throw a grenade into decades of relationships, text replies thus far have been..."thank you so much.".
Pete Zahut
If you do reply to their text messages, don't reply immediately. Don't answer any questions just reply with "OK Thanks ! " or " I'll get back to ya' later".
Wait longer and longer between text messages and eventually don't reply at all.
Pete Zahut
"The thinking"
"Back issues"
Let's research some of the older publications or back issues of the magazines and see what the Societys "thinking" is on the matter.
Pete Zahut
Jehovah's loving arrangement
Meat in due season
Self abuse
Whole-souled devotion
Fleshly Sister/Brother
Wholesome association
I bought Alexa and she said not to attend the afternoon of the Assembly Day
by RubaDub ini really like my alexa.
a little creepy at first, but quite interesting.. i asked her if i should attend the assembly day on saturday.. she said "in your case, just go in the morning, walk around, see everyone, then at lunch walk to your car while talking on your cell phone.
then just leave.
Pete Zahut
Did you purchase your Alexa at a second hand store ? If so, it may be Demonized.
"Are you the plumber?"
by Jourles ini've been debating whether or not to post this story simply because the org knows who i am (post history from pre-'05 will tell you all you need to know), and i'm not sure if they would give my parents shit if they knew what transpired earlier this summer.
but you know what, i don't care what they do, because my mom is dying of stage iv cancer and i feel this needs to be heard by anyone struggling with the loss of contact from their relatives.. for those who are not familiar with my background, i became a small thorn in the side of the wts while i was still in.
i'm not big on being deceived, and for me, the org crossed my personal 'red line' when it came to blood and the child abuse issue.
Pete Zahut
During these visits, my dad was sometimes there as he was driving back and forth from SE IA to Des Moines because of work. We were never very close. Due to his alcoholism and drug use from my early years, he just wasn't what a dad could have been. I see so much of him in myself now and how it relates to my actions and compassion towards my stepsons.
I'm sure there are many things that I don't know or understand about this situation but based on my take on what you have said so far, I still stand by my earlier comment and I recommend that you put your ego and (your tendency to be like your father) aside one more time. If it doesn't work out, at least you will know that you once again did the loving thing even if it isn't received well.
Your Mother is is facing death and her faith is probably a great comfort to her now . It's easy for her to be cold toward you from the other end of an email and though it probably wasn't a good idea to have sent her that Leah Remini information, I have a feeling that when face to face with you, your mother will once again behave like the true person she is inside and will at least momentarily put aside the Watchtower dogma that is clouding her true identity. Perhaps you could bring that family friend with you so that she will have to save face a little and behave decently.
The relationships I have with my wife's sons could have been much better, and I have readily admitted to her and a couple of other close friends that she married a broken man thanks to what this cult did to me.
Not to sound harsh but you say you have regrets regarding how things went in the past with your stepsons (we all have regrets like that). For better or worse, you only have one Mother and when she's actually gone, a bit of your own light will go out as well. In my mind, this is your chance to keep from possibly having another regret hanging over your head all because of your having once been associated with Jehovah's Witnesses. Don't let them rob you of this one last thing.
"Are you the plumber?"
by Jourles ini've been debating whether or not to post this story simply because the org knows who i am (post history from pre-'05 will tell you all you need to know), and i'm not sure if they would give my parents shit if they knew what transpired earlier this summer.
but you know what, i don't care what they do, because my mom is dying of stage iv cancer and i feel this needs to be heard by anyone struggling with the loss of contact from their relatives.. for those who are not familiar with my background, i became a small thorn in the side of the wts while i was still in.
i'm not big on being deceived, and for me, the org crossed my personal 'red line' when it came to blood and the child abuse issue.
Pete Zahut
My JW Mom died of cancer at 57....I think if I were you I'd go back there for another visit in person before it's too late. You may be glad for the rest of your life that you did.